Summer Events
Upcoming events for the summer of 2008.
This summer you are invited to condition with the boys soccer team. Conditioning and the weeklong camp is not mandatory but highly recommended. This will allow you to stay in shape, maintain a decent touch on the ball and will encourage team unity. Below are details of the camp, I need to know if you plan on attending.
Every Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. starting June 23rd thru August 8th.
June 30th -July 6th -Dead week/No soccer activities/No contact with coaches - Captains may organize running at Kensignton-TBA
July 21 - 25th Soccer camp 5-8 p.m. Cost:$99
All events will be held at MHS
Bring water, running shoes, soccer shoes and a soccer ball. Please pass this information along to anyone that might be interested in playing soccer.
Finally, there is a camp being run through community education for 7 -13 year olds at MHS July 21-25 9 a.m. - noon, please let anyone know that might be interested
Thank You
Mike Gilmour