Wrapping up the season ...
It was exciting, fun, challenging and fast but now all our games are over. Nothing left but the banquet (FUN) and a few small housekeeping items (not as fun).
* Please plan to bring your uniform (jerseys, bag, ball, warm-ups) back on Tuesday evening, June 5. We will meet in the corridor at the north end of the gym. To keep things moving and minimize your time spent waiting, please plan to come at the following time:
Uniform numbers 1-13 please arrive at 5:30
14-25 please arrive at 5:45
26 and up please arrive at 6:00
* If anyone has not confirmed their attandance at the banquet, please let Chris Shrewsbury or me know. YOU MAY BRING YOUR CHECK (PAYABLE TO MHS GIRLS SOCCER) WHEN YOU BRING YOUR UNIFORM. Checks will not be accepted after June 5.
*We still need volunteers for the 50/50 raffle at Bakers on June 10.
Please check your calendar and let me know if you can come and sell tickets.
*Finally don't forget to finish up the bottle drive.
Thanks to everyone: Parents, coaches and players for your commitment to the team.
-- Cindy Zemaitis